MyApp is a user-friendly app that allows you to create unique logos using only four basic geometric shapes: lines, squares, circles, and curved lines. Whether you're a graphic designer, a small business owner, or just looking to create a logo for your social media page, this app is perfect for you.

With MyApp, you don't need any design experience or expertise. Simply select your preferred shapes, adjust their sizes, orientations, and positions, and you're good to go! The app provides you with an array of colors to choose from to customize your design.

The app has a clean and intuitive interface that allows you to focus on your designs. You can preview your design as you create it to see how it would appear when used. Geometric Logo Maker is the perfect app for anyone looking to create professional-looking logos in a quick and easy manner. It's free ;)



Create New Shapes

To use the app, simply select a shape using the Q, W, E, or R keys on your keyboard. The Q key corresponds to lines, W to squares, E to circles, and R to curved lines. Once you've selected your shape, use your mouse to adjust its size, orientation, and position on the canvas.

  1. Use the Q W E or R keys to select a shape and hold it down.
  2. Click the desired place on the canvas.
  3. Move the cursor and click again somewhere on the canvas to create a shape.

To add additional shapes to your design, simply repeat the process by selecting a new shape using the Q, W, E, or R keys, adjusting its size and position, and changing its color as needed.


To move around the canvas, hold down the SPACE key and drag the cursor around the canvas to move.


If you want to change the position of one of the nodes of the shape, hold down the M key and move the mouse over one of the red nodes. Click on it and change its place on the canvas.


Use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out, if you're using a laptop and don't have access to a mouse, you can use the Z and X keys.  


Created with ❤️ by keepcoding and You!


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